Dialogue  April-June, 2015, Volume 16 No. 4




·           Editorial Perspective

            India and the AF-Pak Phenomenon

·           North-East Scan                                                                                      

            From Tribalism to Democracy: The Arduous Transition - Patricia Mukhim

            Celebrate Diversity but not Inequality - Pradip Phanjoubam

·           The Zurich Conference of the EASAS - Koenraad Elst

·           India, Pakistan and the Mirage of Normalisation of Relations - Sushant Sareen

·           Indo-Pak Relations: Awaiting Better Times - J.N. Roy     

·           Indo-Pak Relations: Prospects of Pak Changing Course - Wilson John

·           Indo-Pak Track II Diplomacy: An Insider's View - A.S. Dulat     

·        Afghanistan: New Great Game unfolds Sandhya Jain                     

·        Insurgency in Afghanistan and the COIN Approach - Ajit Lal

·        Whither Goes Af-Pak Post-2014 drawdown? - Ambrish Dhaka  

·        Afghanistan : India’s Gateway to Central Asia - Nirmala Joshi     

·        Indo-Afghan Relations in the Contemporary Strategic Environment - Arpita Basu Roy      

·        Global Challenges and Regional Strategy in Central Asia - Anita Sengupta

·        China President Xi Jinping’s Siuth Asia Policy-Implications for India - D.S. Rajan  

·        China in the Neighbourhood: Strategic Inferences for Northeast India - Namrata Goswami

·        Democracy: Universal & Contemporary - Naresh Kumar Ambastha                   

·        Intelligence and Control of Terrorism - H.N. Das   

·        Missionaries and the Naxal Movement in India - Sangit Kumar Ragi

·        Subaltern Global Justice and National Identity - R.C. Sinha                       


     Dialogue (A quarterly journal of Astha Bharati)

                                               Astha Bharati